Additional Resources
FamilyMeans Education Opportunities:
Please contact Jenny West, Community Educator at 651 789-4015 or email for information and for scheduling of these opportunities.
Quarterly Caregiver Education Topics
Shaping Your Tomorrow: Dementia and MCI, a 10-week series for those with memory loss and a family member or friend, offering a safe setting for learning, asking questions, and sharing experiences. This series offers vast resources and brings in guest speakers on how to build a support system, ways to adapt your environment safely, how to communicate to healthcare providers, elder law and financial planning issues, local services and ways to keep active and stay positive during this journey with dementia.
FamilyMeans, Powerful Tools for Caregivers
This 6-week series helps caregivers take care of themselves while providing care to someone else. Topics include self-care, reducing personal stress, communicating feelings in challenging situations, learning from emotions and mastering caregiving decisions. Attendees will benefit from this program whether helping a parent, spouse or partner, child or friend who lives nearby